tonight, it's "stones in the road," by mary chapin carpenter.
i have liked this song for a very long time. and every once in a while, it just hits the spot.
g is sick. over half of my office is sick. apparently, there is a crud going around juneau. gawd, i hope i don't get it.
next week: my first ever trip to the big city ("town" as the hoopers in bristol bay [ironically, not hooper bay!] know it): Anchorage. wahoo! its my work's annual conference & i'm helping lead the youth leadership institute.
and a weather update? snow seems to be well on its way here in juneau! gotta be better than all this rain:)
1 comment:
Hey! I downloaded the song you said you've had on repeat. I laughed to think of you in Frank blasting tunes over and over again. It's so Dugan and I love it! So like I said I downloaded it last night and ironically I haven't even had a chance to listen to the whole song yet. I tried a couple times this morning at school and kept getting interrupted. So it goes. I noticed that I have a song of hers that's on the Going Driftless cd. It's an artist's tribute to Greg Brown. Yes, one of my all time favorites. Anyway the song is Spring & All. I hope you have a good weekend in Town!
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