i can't quite figure out why i'm so drawn to it. is it that i have met, chatted with, & had beer with a good handful of would-be chris mcclandesses?
whatever the draw, i find myself interested in the religious undertones of it. i do think its interesting how he seems so drawn to experience something bigger than himself, something outside his bounds. almost like an evangelist's quest for God (note the capital G). or a Buddhist's quest for enlightenment. pilgrimage, maybe. but of a notched up sort of quality. i think its fascinating how we quest for things beyond ourselves. god, euphoria, nature, whatever it is. the quest, the idealization of that "it," has such similar qualities.
so i recommend it. haven't seen the movie yet; not sure i will. the old time alaskans at work have heard that sean penn really romanticizes & makes a hero out of chris.
maybe when it makes it to netflix:).
Dylan and I were in town (Anchorage) the weekend the film was supposed to be released. We were hoping to see it, but were bummed out when it wasn't playing anywhere. We were wondering if that was an intentional move because they didn't want Alaskan reviews to possibly influence other people in the country. Anyway, I'll also be Netflixing it. I'm glad you're back to blogging!
i completely agree, i was surprisely compelled by this story. yeah, enough said. i'd be interested to chat about it after you finish.
whoops, surprisingly that is. :)
I liked the book too, though I did experience it at the same depth as you b/c I read it in high school. I do like your analysis though, so true...
And glad you are back to blogging!
oops, I meant "did not" experience it at the same depth :) apparently kate and I are both into typos tonight :)
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