screw the last paper & just get on a plane & go to ireland.
how worthwhile is a masters, really? does anyone even know what a master of theological studies is? c'mon...none of you kind of want to ask "what are you going to do with that? all of my farmer winegrowers in the gorge did.
it snowed a teeny tiny bit this morning...just enough to tease me into thinking it might actually snow. but no, it's already stoped. there's something odd about writing papers in the greyness. some people argue its motivational because they don't want to be outside & so they just dig into their work. valid. but i kind of think there's something nice about an hour of two of sun-shininess (not hot, mind you, just crisp & bright) to lift the spirits.
i'm too much of a perfectionist to blow off this last paper & hop a plane. too bad, really. someday, maybe i won't be like that. any bets on the chances?
three down, loves, three down. one left. one more to go.
1 comment:
i kinda like it when you're stressed out cuz you blog a lot. (in that way that i don't want you to be stressed out but i enjoy reading your blog. a bit selfish, i know.) :-)
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