oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
so. this morning (early, like 7am), g goes across the street (we live across the street from a grocery store) to get some cream for his coffee. on his way back, he noticed a purse near the drive-by post-box. friendly, he picks it up & brings it home.
for me, this is the stuff of movies or television shows--mystery bag, mystery person, all left up to unsuspecting neighbors to figure out!
the bag looked like a teeny-bopper's, so i was surprised to find her id card say she was born 2/27/1926! very hip for an almost-83 pisces. and her jazzy cell phone was much cooler than either greg or mine's. creepily, was able to google her name & get her landline, which we promptly called...no answer.
(and, okay, okay. i couldn't resist. i did look a little bit through her bag...just one of the two pockets. she had all these $2 bills. for the grandkids? and a really great flashlight. and every single piece of identification she must own. holy cow.)
a few hours later, a woman called looking for her mom. so i explained the situation & she came by to pick up the purse. i asked her her mom's birthday, just to be sure. creepy or smart of me?
apparently, all the sisters are worried about their mom since no one has heard from her all day (maybe because she lost her phone?) and she was supposed to be on something called a "discovery tour" and was to leave her car parked at shopko. another sister was on her way to check on the shopko parking lot.
mystery ended...for me. but i wonder if something will show up in the olympian later??