he just donated a bunch of money to the school to fund a position called the reinhold neibuhr professorship. now, this is fascinating. if i have this right, this neibuhr brother left the FOR in favor of a so-dubbed "christian realism." i don't know where tom comes down on that particular issue, but thinking about the realism of his products is intereresting. i do need to read more neibuhr. he's one of those guys like hegel i have read about 50 pages of, but he is referenced quite often. either everyone else has read all of their work or are better bluffers or regurgitators than myself.
have been thinking about taking a pottery class. what do you think? get back in the sr. denis mold? sheesh. maybe no one here will threaten to break my little cylindars (its in moments like this that i wish blogspot had a spell-checker...)
have not registered for it yet, but am planning on taking a class with THE gustavo guitierrez this summer...now, yes, his gender theory is generally nonexistent, but his liberation theology makes me excited. 2 weeks in july at BC.
the end of the semester leaves me wanting. i forgot this. all that pushing for the end of papers, of stress, of running ragged (though, i am proud of myself for sleeping at least 6 hrs all year almost every night!). it leaves me sad and not quite sure what to do with myself. am eating a lot of ice cream (mint chocolate chip's been on sale...yum!) thus, the blogging, perhaps. g's got a great photo job @ a newspaper, but he's got the evening shift. good for the professionalism. bad for my twiddling fingers.
okay. need to hone some hobbies. peaceout, k.